Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This morning I was up at 3:30am to meet Elder & Hna. Francom at the “Casa de Huespedes” (Temple Accommodation Center) to take them to the Airport. The trip to the airport was a delight because at that hour in the morning there was no traffic. Normally it takes almost an hour to get there but this morning we arrived in only 25 minutes.

The Francoms still had packing to do last night after the big banquet at the Renaissance Hotel. Hna. Francom said she didn’t get to bed until 1:30am so they were a bit tired having only slept for an hour and a half.

The Francoms have done a wonderful job here in the DR these past 2 years. In addition to their tireless efforts helping the poor and needy with wheelchairs, medicine, medical equipment, community wells, safe drinking water, clothing, food, etc. they’ve accomplished another very important task. They’ve managed to break down barrier between all of the many charities and churches that wouldn’t work with the church or even work together in the past.

At last night’s banquet they were presented with three different plaques and awards by many of the charities in recognition of their Humanitarian work and getting so many of them to partner with each other and the church. Last night’s banquet was put on by the LDS church as a kick off the “Helping Hands” program in combination with our Humanitarian program. It really turned into a farewell and recognition dinner for the Francoms by the church’s partners. It was a well deserved tribute to them.

This afternoon Hna. Johnson had me translate and forward a letter to Pres. Almonte’s personal e-mail address. We received the e-mail earlier this week. It was just a short paragraph reminding President Almonte that our 2011 Mission budget proposal is due the day after tomorrow at “Centro de Servicio”.

A half hour after I sent the e-mail we were very surprised to have Pres. Almonte come into the office. He is almost never in the mission office, especially the week of “Traslados” he is super busy. He read the reminder note in his e-mail about the mission budget and dropped everything to come straight over to the office to work on it. I remember very well last year in August, it was the first few weeks we were in the mission field. President Almonte and Elder Bates (then the Office Elder) worked on the mission budget for several days. Well, today it went much faster.

There’s an old saying, “If you want a job done fast, give it to a busy man.” Well, President Almonte is definitely a very busy man. Pres. Almonte sat down at the work table in the office and with the help of Elder Bates (now an AP), and myself he knocked out the new budget in just a few minutes! The saying is true, Pres. Almonte is very busy and he got it done very fast.

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